Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Six Suppers Across Singapore!!!

A friend of mine from Organizational Behavior class invited me to attend “NTU MSA Supper Hop.”  I tried to ask more information regarding what exactly that was, but he responded in a thick Malaysian accent making his English difficult to comprehend.  Basically I was able to piece together that I needed to meet at 10:30PM near the bus stop and we would be traveling around the country all night eating 6 “suppers” at 6 different signature Singaporean locations until 6:00AM.  I invited my Swedish friend Machala and my friend Emily from San Diego.  We walked to the bus stop around 10:30PM assuming there would be a collection of different NTU students from Singapore and exchange students.  Instead I learned my friend from class was also the president of the NTU Malaysia Student Association (MSA) and we would be joining MSA for supper!  

Initially, it felt a little awkward being on a charter bus filled with 50 Malaysian students who were curious about who we were, where we came from, and what we were doing here (since we obviously we were the only non-Malaysian students with the Malaysian student association.)  All awkwardness was soon gone and replaced with several new friendships.  This was definitely one of my favorite experiences because I truly got to experience a different culture. 

Meals in Singapore have always been a bit of an adventure.  Despite the fact the country’s primary language is English, their culture is a melting pot of Chinese, Malaysian, and Indonesian, so most of the food available in Singapore fall under one of those three cultures.  I am usually not one to shy away from trying new foods because normally (well in America) you can’t go too wrong, I have decided that it is possible here.  By “too wrong” I mean pig organs with a side of rice, fish ball soup, and chicken feet.  I felt a bit better about trying new food, knowing that my new Malaysian friends are recommending them.  My favorite dish was the BBQ stingray and squid.      

My favorite: BBQ Stingray