Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 3: The Floating Village in Tonie Sap Lake, Cambodia

The second day we visited the ‘Floating Village,’ a village entirely made up of people who live their entire lives in their boat located off the coast of Boeung Tonie Sap (Tonie Sap Lake Cambodia).  The Tonie Sap Lake is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Asia, but experience extreme changes in size depending on the season.  During the wet season the lake reaches nearly 12,000 km2, but during the dry half of the year the lake shrinks to as small as 2500 km2.
When we arrived the boats were arranged creating almost a canal through allowing others to float and conduct business/trading/selling amongst them. We hired a woman to drive us in her boat through the village, which allowed us to witness the daily lives of these people without interfering. It is so hard to imagine how these people live their entire lives on water without knowing a life any different.